Manipulators: The Dark Side Of Living

 Manipulators: The Dark Side of Living


Manipulators are people who use emotional blackmail, try hard to convince, and are emotionless. They are jealous and think they are a type of superior. They have no-kind behavior and are obsessive. Their goal is to be self-satisfied. They are harmful to the mind and can cause mental illness. They have complex personalities and complexes of being ignored. They are attention seekers and dangerous. They have no mercy on others and can be socially active. They are kind of narcissistic and hard to digest. They can put you in an awkward situation.


The Dark Side of Living Manipulators are people who are driven to dominate and control their interpersonal relationships, often coercing others to do things they want them to do. Being around a manipulator and not realizing it, can be damaging to the point that it can cause physical, mental, and emotional stress to the person being manipulated. Being aware of the signs and identifying manipulative behavior is the key to avoiding and freeing yourself from a manipulative situation.

Dark Triad Traits:

Manipulators often demonstrate characteristics of the ''Dark Triads''.This term is used to describe three personality traits that are commonly found in manipulators, which are Machiavellianism, narcissism and psychopathy. Machiavellianism involves the manipulation of others for self-gain, narcissism involves a need to be appreciated and admired, and psychopathy is the lack of empathy and moral regard for others. People with dark triad traits are often socially active and manipulative, often where they will make others feel inferior or guilty in order to achieve their goals.

Manipulative Behavior:

Manipulative behavior is defined as a form of communication or behavior that is intended to control the behavior of another person. This behavior can include deception, coercion, gaslighting, withholding, seduction, denial, the threat of physical violence, the threat of psychological violence, and other forms of emotional abuse. Manipulators will often use fear, guilt and shame as tools to manipulate the people around them. They are often charm and compliments when they need something from you, while downplaying or discrediting you when they no longer need something from you.

The Dangers of Being Manipulated:

Being manipulated can have long-term psychological effects, such as anxiety, depression, difficulty forming healthy relationships, increased stress levels and a feeling of helplessness. Being manipulated can also cause you to make decisions that are not in your best interest, or to do things that may be against your values. It can also cause you to doubt yourself, your decisions, and your beliefs.

How to Spot a Manipulator:

Manipulators Often Exhibit The Following Traits:

They will try to make you feel guilty or inferior; they are overly charming and compliment you excessively; they will criticize or put down your ideas and opinions; they will try to control the conversation or direction of the discussion; they will make promises they cannot keep; and they will often put themselves first by minimizing your needs or thoughts.

Dealing With Manipulators:

If you find yourself in a situation with a manipulator, there are ways to protect yourself and to deal with the situation. Recognizing that you are being manipulated is the first step. Once you have identified the manipulation, it is important to not engage in any further discussions and stand your ground. It is essential to ensure that you set boundaries and make it clear that the behavior is unacceptable. It is also important to practice self-care, such as distancing yourself from the manipulator and seeking out support from friends and family.


Manipulators are dangerous people to be around. Being able to identify manipulative behavior is an important skill to have, as it can help protect you from further harm. It is important to set boundaries and stand firm in your convictions; remember to take care of yourself and not get drawn into their games. With awareness, you can protect yourself and your loved ones from manipulative people.


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