Beliefs and values


I've not met a strong person with an easy past. So, if you have an easy past and you are a strong person too, then you should have to be so thankful that you are quite lucky with having both of the things at the same time. Mostly, people don't have an easy past and it is difficult for them to renew their life after so many breakouts. 

It is saying that "Time heals everything" but nobody tells the duration, have you ever asked this question to whoever concern? Probably not! Cause I know everyone does sympathy for you but no one literally be into your situation until they get feel the same. But no worries, time actually heals everything but it takes different time duration for everyone. Example: One person could heal within a month, one can help out within a year and others may taking years. But it works for everyone. 

Mostly people couldn't find perfect match in their life, as they're always in a search of that incomplete part of themselves in others.It is also very difficult to find it so easily. It takes so much time to realised that you were actually looking for a mind match for yourself than a missing part in you. Because, as I've said earlier in my blog post that mental health is so important just like, if you have a person with your mindset then your life could be so easy going with them instead of anything you could have ever asked for. So, always look out for the one who is mentally & emotionally with you than the one who is not available when you're having breakdowns. Strong mind create strong person and peace gives you calm. 

One thing I realised these passing years that being regret again and again on anything you've had done, takes you to the depression & makes you an anxious person who's not mentally strong and always feel demotivated for the thing they've had been done unconsciously or unintentionally. Never, I repeat, never regret on anything that you have had been done in past. Cause, being regret on anything you have done never workout for any change in future. I'm not saying that being regret isn't good, it is good even it's good you've realised your mistakes for sake of betterment, but Past is past, just learn from that cause it has nothing to carry with you in every phase of your life. Forget everything just for sake of peace and welcome new things wholeheartedly. Noone is stronger until they've learnt something ,which is previously been done worng at time.

Find the person who is mentally and emotionally with you in every phase of your life. Life has a beautiful journey for those who accept all the exceptional and unexceptional things and enjoy every moment with love,joy & peace.

 Luckily, I have found one, with whom I can do anything without any mentally and emotionally breakdown but more oftenly I do have :p but grateful having him by myside all the time releases my all day long tiredness, he's just a text away :')

No one has an easy journey. But, as Albus Dumbledoor once said: Happiness can be found in the darkest of the time, when only one to remember turn on the lights.

 Always be positive and productive :')

This shall too pass..

-Dure Shahwar- 


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